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Pittsburgh Eat For Your Blood Type

Eat For Your Blood Type

Your blood type has a significant affect on your health. Many microorganisms create markers (called antigens) that are similar to one blood type or another. That makes it easier for them to thrive in the bodies of people with that blood type.

When you follow a food group that assimilates with your blood type and one that is tailored for you, you can address issues like: weight loss, increased energy, and disease prevention. Karen helps clients determine the foods that will best assimilate with their blood type. It can help make a difference in your weight, energy level, and overall health. You can keep yourself feeling full, satisfied and manage your weight with the right foods. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring!

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Natural Healthcare Services Stories


They have helped us a lot with the aches and pains associated with our jobs!

We have been with Gregg and Karen for 25 years. They were our full time health care professionals prior to moving to the Pittsburgh area...


No longer do I feel fatigued!

I would recommend the services of Gregg or Karen to everyone. They are both caring people who are truly interested in helping me get more out of my life by feeling better...


Chronic constipation relief!

This year was my 1st time getting a colonic and I absolutely enjoyed the process! Karen informed more on the procedure, made it comfortable for me

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