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Revitalize Your Spine: Chiropractic Therapy for Herniated Discs

A herniated disc is a common spinal condition that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It occurs when one of the discs in the spine, which act as cushions between the vertebrae, becomes damaged and protrudes out of its normal position. This can lead to a range of symptoms and discomfort, making it essential to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for herniated discs. Causes of a herniated disc can vary, but they are often a result of age-related wear and tear on the spine. As we age, the discs lose their elasticity and become more susceptible to damage. Other factors that can contribute to a herniated disc include repetitive movements, heavy lifting, obesity, and poor posture. Additionally, traumatic injuries such as falls or accidents can also lead to disc herniation.

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