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Benefits of Range of Motion Therapy

Range of Motion (ROM) therapy offers a wide range of benefits, particularly for individuals who have experienced injuries, surgeries, or medical conditions that affect their joint mobility and muscle flexibility. Here are some of the key benefits of Range of Motion Therapy from Natural Health Care Services:

  • Improved Joint Mobility: ROM therapy helps maintain and restore the full range of motion in joints. This is essential for performing daily activities with ease, such as bending, reaching, and walking.


  • Reduced Joint Stiffness: Regular ROM exercises prevent or alleviate joint stiffness, which can occur due to immobility, injury, or medical conditions like arthritis.


  • Enhanced Flexibility: ROM therapy helps to keep muscles and joints flexible, which can make it easier to perform daily activities and reduce the risk of injury.


  • Improved Circulation: Moving the joints through their full range of motion promotes better blood circulation. Adequate blood flow is essential for delivering oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues, aiding in the healing process.


  • Muscle Strengthening: ROM therapy can help to strengthen muscles by working them through their full range of motion. This can lead to improved performance in sports and other activities.


  • Pain Reduction: ROM therapy can help alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis, muscle strains, and joint injuries by improving joint function and reducing muscle tension. It can help to reduce pain by increasing circulation and reducing inflammation. It can also help to break up scar tissue and adhesions, which can contribute to pain.


  • Enhanced Functional Abilities: By restoring and maintaining joint mobility, ROM therapy enables individuals to perform everyday tasks more easily and with less discomfort. This can lead to an improved quality of life and independence.


  • Prevention of Secondary Complications: Range of Motion Therapy is often used in the rehabilitation of individuals with neurological conditions, such as stroke or spinal cord injury, to prevent secondary complications like muscle atrophy, contractures, and pressure sores.


  • Post-Surgery Recovery: After orthopedic surgeries, such as joint replacements or ligament repairs, ROM therapy is essential for a successful recovery. It helps patients regain function and mobility in the operated joint.


  • Enhanced Overall Well-being: Regular engagement in ROM exercises can contribute to an improved sense of well-being by reducing pain, increasing independence, and restoring confidence in one’s physical abilities.


Natural Health Care Services offers a range of motion therapy that will help to improve your joint and muscle function. There are three types of measurements for a range of motion:

  1. A passive range of motion is measured when you cannot move the joint yourself.
  2. Active/assistive range of motion is measured when you are able to move the injured joint, but you still need some assistance in order to move it without causing further injury. You are controlling the movement but still, receive some assistance.
  3. An active range of motion is measured when you can move an injured joint on your own without causing further damage.

At Natural Health Care Services, we’ll provide you with exactly what you need in order to get you and your body back in motion.

Contact Natural Health Care today to to make an appointment 724-295-5591 

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