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Signs That You Need Colon Hydrotherapy

While the body is able to cleanse itself of toxins naturally, sometimes it needs assistance. The colon is responsible for the last stage of the digestive process and the absorption of vitamins, salts, nutrients, and water. When the colon is not working properly, it allows toxins to be absorbed into the bloodstream rather than being expelled from the body.

The delicate balance between the specialized cells in the colon and the microorganisms in the gut can be upset by food, stress or disease. A proper balance of healthy bacteria must be maintained to avoid digestive illness and colon problems. You may start noticing the following symptoms present themselves and these can all be signs that you need to cleanse your colon. Natural Healthcare Services has listed the signs of colon problems below:


Even when you get 8 or more hours of sleep, you may feel tired and sluggish throughout the day. If the body is working overtime to get rid of toxins, you will naturally have less energy.

Weight Gain

You may put on unwanted pounds, or struggle to lose weight despite eating a normal amount of calories. If the body cannot get rid of waste properly, this may cause bloating and weight gain.

Pale Skin and Acne

The face is a good indicator of general health, if your skin looks pale, greasy, and spotty, it could be a sign of toxins building up in the body.

Digestive Problems

You frequently suffer from digestive issues including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. This can be due to a blockage in the colon caused by a lack of fiber, or an increase in non-beneficial bacteria, which can cause excess gas production and uncomfortable bloating.

Poor Concentration

If our colon is not functioning properly, often our brain isn’t either which can result in feelings of brain fog and poor concentration.Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause you to become easily distracted and lose your concentration. Headaches and migraines could be caused by the retention of toxins in the body, which can cause inflammation.

Bad Breath or Body Odor

Even if you practice good hygiene, if your body has a build-up of toxins, they can be expressed through the sweat glands or saliva, resulting in smelly breath or BO.

Do you experience any of the following signals regularly?

  • Constipation or Diarrhea
  • Need for Frequent Laxatives
  • Frequent Headaches
  • Skin Problems
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Lowered Resistance to Infection
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Edema/Swelling
  • Bloating
  • Bad Breath
  • Asthma/Sinus Problems
  • Food Allergies
  • Overweight
  • Loss of Memory
  • Depression
  • Menstrual Problems
  • General Aches and Pains
  • Yeast Infections
  • Parasites
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Addictions
  • Digestive problems
  • Lack of energy

Here are 3 important reasons everyone can benefit from colon cleansing:

  1. The average person has between 7 – 10 pounds of old fecal matter in their colon, even with a bowel movement each day. 
  2. The accumulation of waste on the walls of your colon creates the perfect breeding ground for parasites, yeast, bad bacteria and viruses. 
  3. In fact, for too many people today, detoxification pathways are essentially blocked. Over time, toxins build up. It is estimated that the average person is exposed to over 123 toxic chemicals each day from food, water, air, stress and personal care products.

Colon Therapy And Colonoscopy Preparation 

During colon therapy, a trained colon therapist uses warm water to gently fill up and flush out your colon. This process may feel strange at first, but it can clean out your colon more thoroughly than many other colon cleansing treatments.

In fact, colon therapy is so effective for cleansing, doctors are beginning to recommend colonics as an effective colonoscopy preparation.

Colon therapy is just one way to take care of your digestive system. Combined with a healthy, cleansing diet, regular colonics can heal your intestines to create vibrant health in children and adults.

Flushing out toxins that weigh you down and lower energy is just one of the possible benefits you could receive from treatments. Let’s talk about your personalized plan for care of your gut! 724-295-5591

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